An imploded crypto exchange, muted inflation and a better-than-expected result for the Democrats

November 15, 2022
Early last week it looked like an imploding crypto exchange might be the next leveraged player that the Fed hiking cycle had broken but by the end of the week early signs of a peak in inflation had sent markets rocketing higher.

Early last week it looked like an imploding crypto exchange might be the next leveraged player that the Fed hiking cycle had broken but by the end of the week early signs of a peak in inflation had sent markets rocketing higher. Some of this might have been due to the forced capitulation of some investors who had been very defensively positioned for falling markets but a few days on it is clear that investors see this latest inflation print as fundamentally a good sign and markets have held on to their gains. Continued rumors of a relaxation of China’s zero covid policy also buoyed markets while they might also have been sniffing out the slight detente between Biden and Xi Jinping that has played out in recent days. The impact of the better-than-expected performance of the Democrats in the US mid-term elections is still difficult to pin down but what was expected to be a pivotal event ended up being overshadowed by other news. Either way it was an eventful week that left the European and US markets up 5% and the tech heavy Nasdaq up some 8%. The question in every investor’s mind is whether inflation will start to consistently decline from here, perhaps allowing the Fed to engineer a soft landing. The performance of individual sectors and commodity markets certainly struck a more optimistic note with iron ore up by almost 10% and other industrial metals up by even more (probably underscoring just how much China’s COVID policy has weighed on the prospects for Australia and perhaps the global economy). Interest rate sensitive stocks including tech stocks, utilities and real estate trusts were also amongst the principal beneficiaries of this shift in interest rate expectations. Perhaps just as importantly we have not yet seen a rush of Fed committee members talking the market down so the Fed may well be starting to share this view. The Australian and Japanese markets ended the week up around 4% while emerging markets and the UK were up slightly. Within emerging markets we also saw a reversal of recent trends as the beleaguered Chinese market caught a bid while the Brazilian market (up some 20% this year for the Australian Dollar investor) was down 5% after the market baulked at incoming President Lula Da Silva’s proposed redistributionist policies.

When the US inflation data came out the bond markets immediately pared future rate rise expectations by about 0.25% and the market expectation is now that cash rates peak within 12 months at around 4.5% (from 3.75% currently). On the other hand, most economists expect US GDP to trough in the first half of next year which explains why some market participants are getting excited about an imminent end to this hiking cycle, especially with a slowdown in corporate earnings not yet obvious. The contradictions were just as evident at a stock level as tech heavyweights Microsoft, Apple and Amazon led the market upwards while also announcing hiring freezes. Meta (Facebook) was up some 20% the same week that it laid off 11,000 employees.

Events on the global stage served to overshadow what was a fairly week start to the local earnings season with a host of blue chips including Westpac, NAB, James Hardie, Xero and Domain all disappointing. This was countered somewhat by Computershare’s strong result, a bid for Origin Energy and strong performances from local healthcare champions CSL, Cochlear, Resmed and Ramsay. At the end of the day though it was again global cross currents that had the biggest impact and half of the 4% local share market rise was accounted for by double digit gains from materials stocks and the local gold miners.

Another week, another odd rally

August 2, 2024
Markets were up again last week for the third week in a row which leaves the US, Japan, and Australia up over 5% and even Europe up a few percent since the invasion of Ukraine.
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March confounded many market watchers

August 2, 2024
Another mostly positive week for shares left markets in positive territory for March despite, or perhaps even because of the war in Ukraine, with Australia, the best performing market up by almost 6%. This was mostly thanks to Energy stocks and in Australia’s case Iron Ore prices as well as the other commodities that we produce.
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Markets start to believe central banks are genuine about tightening

August 2, 2024
The relative calm that markets had enjoyed during most of the Ukraine war broke last week, perhaps reminding us that financial conditions remain a key concern for markets in ways that are often less obvious than attention gapping geopolitical headlines.
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Quantitative Tightening (QT) with Hunt Economics

August 2, 2024
We discuss Quantitative Tightening with our colleagues from Hunt Economics. With indicators continuing to show the risk of increasing inflation, central banks are looking at strategies to curb the inflation risk.
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A quiet week with some swelling volatility

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On the face of it was a fairly quiet week leading into the Easter break with most markets ending flat for the shortened week; however, you didn’t have to look too far below the surface to find volatility.
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Rising rates and slowing growth, can't have one without the other

August 2, 2024
Slowing growth and rising rates also proved to be a strong headwind to local Materials and IT stocks respectively with both sectors down 5%.
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US dips down while Australia dances to a different tune

August 2, 2024
Markets were down last week and, as we all have come to expect, speculation around inflation was the lightning rod that fed into interest rate expectations and then onto US tech stocks especially.
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Fed ready to do whatever it takes

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Last week there was much speculation about whether Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s annual Jackson Hole speech would be a market moving event or not, and it turned out it was, for equity markets at least.
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Rate expectations push markets down for the month

August 2, 2024
Markets were fairly soft all week, but the real action happened just after the European close when Gazprom announced it would not reopen the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which had been closed for maintenance due to ‘malfunctions’.
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Are we there yet, or is is just another short squeeze?

August 2, 2024
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Markets face biggest one day drop since March 2020

August 2, 2024
Markets suffered their biggest one day fall since the height of the pandemic provoked market crisis in March 2020, with the US Nasdaq down 5.5% and the S&P 500 down 4.3% after the latest US inflation numbers showed core inflation still on the rise even though energy prices have been on the wane.
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Will the Fed's continued tightening cause something to break?

August 2, 2024
Markets continued to fall last week, touching the lows seen in mid-June and leading many to question whether the buy on the dip trade was finally dead. Not coincidentally, long-term bond yields also pushed through the highs seen in June, as the US Fed raised rates another 0.75% and Jerome Powell reiterated the Fed’s commitment to fighting inflation via interest rate policy.
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Andrew Hunt's visit to New York and some key implications for global markets

August 2, 2024
Last week Andrew visited the InvestSense offices and shared his observations and findings from his visit to the United States, specifically New York.
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Helping your clients assess the climate impact of their Portfolio

August 2, 2024
Nathan Fradley explains how the ethosesg technology can help you assess and design an ethical portfolio that aligns to an investor’s personal values.
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Carbon credits and investing – is it the outcome we expect?

August 2, 2024
ETFs that invest in carbon credits are now available. Why should we assume that their price will go up over time? And does buying a carbon credit ETF actually contribute positively to emissions reduction? Will it actually generate the outcome investors are expecting? This article explores the issues around investing in carbon credits.
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Better World makes a difference with investment in renewables

August 2, 2024
There are many direct assets and funds that contribute positively to climate action within the InvestSense Better World Portfolios. Meridian Energy is one of the stand-out direct assets in the portfolio with a climate energy focus.
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Bad news equals good news

August 2, 2024
In recent years professional investors have got increasingly used to the fact that good news is bad news for markets because higher interest rates are likely to be necessary, and of course vice-versa. However, last week the effect was stronger than ever and stocks rallied mid-week amidst reports of widespread lay-offs and expectations of a weak US jobs report.
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‘Buy the dip’ opportunism start surfacing

August 2, 2024
The US market finally market caught a bid last week. Early in the week the market was down few percent after an earnings miss by ad dependent social media platform Snap (of Snapchat fame) combined with weak guidance raised more doubts about the economy and economic resilience of tech companies.
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US momentarily dips into official bear market territory

August 2, 2024
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How Mark Lewin saved 13 hours a week with Managed Accounts

August 2, 2024
Mark Lewin was a financial planner, but is now the Director of Back Office Heros. In his planning business he gained significant efficiencies by recommending and implementing managed accounts for his clients. He tells us how...
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