Black and white image of a person holding a phone with an investment chart displayed on it.
Image of a person holding a phone with an investment chart displayed on it.
A closer look at

Your portfolios
in real-time.

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Your tailored interface

A Managed Account structure allows us to make dynamic changes to the portfolios so investors can benefit from market movements and are protected from risk.

Our tailored portal allows you to look inside the portfolios in real time. Advisers can log into our tailored interface and explore the inner workings of the portfolios whenever it suits.

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Black and white image image of fluorescent light bulbs in a mirrored space lighting a route representing a customised interface.
Image image of fluorescent light bulbs in a mirrored space lighting a route representing a customised interface.
Accessible reporting

Be informed. Make better decisions.

Black and white image of people standing around  a dot on the ground representing people only seeing the information relevant to them.
Image of people standing around  a dot on the ground representing people only seeing the information relevant to them.

Only see the information relevant to you

The InvestSense portfolios are available on most major platforms.  However, we understand that you only want to see the portfolios that are relevant to you. Contact our team to set up the portal the way you want it.

Insightful portfolio analysis

Our portfolios include direct equities, Exchange Traded Funds and active and passive managed funds. An in-depth analysis of the investments selected and a review of their performance is available in the portal.

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Black and white image of a person viewing an investment analysis chart on their tablet representing in-depth portfolio analysis.
Image of a person viewing an investment analysis chart on their tablet representing in-depth portfolio analysis.
Black and White image of a Mailbox that illustrates the weekly reporting that the portal delivers.
Image of a Mailbox that illustrates the weekly reporting that the portal delivers.

Weekly market updates

Every week we provide an update on the markets and other industry news. We have a regular podcast and often showcase topical issues in a weekly video. Sign up today by completing the following form.

"The way the portal is configured to give me all that I need, in one place, saves me days of work and quite frankly offers my clients value that I’m not sure I could otherwise provide."
financial adviser

Interested in learning more about the portal?

We'd love to show you how we think the portal can help you. Contact our team for more information.

Black and white photo of a rowing team taken from the top to represent InvestSense' teamwork.
Photo of a rowing team taken from the top to represent InvestSense' teamwork.
latest industry insights
Market Update and Outlook: Inflation, Rates and Growth
Why CHG Integrated Wealth partnered with InvestSense
Markets Trek Higher on Approach to Peak Inflation

Stocks continued their strong November rally this week, as hopes grew that inflation has peaked and the Fed is nearing the end of its rate hiking cycle. The S&P 500 rose 1.9% on Tuesday following the cooler than expected US CPI print, bringing its gains for the month so far to 7%.

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