What is the InvestSense investment process?
'Three pillars' of the InvestSense approach
Valuation Driven
We believe that the market valuation (the price you pay for an investment) really matters. Market valuations tend to be indicative of final outcomes, especially for higher risk asset classes over longer periods. We believe that adopting a valuation-based approach allows investors to make sensible decisions and ensures that an investor is sufficiently rewarded for the risks they are undertaking.
Forward Looking
Too often the financial services industry focuses on past outcomes without trying to understand how the future might be different from the past. InvestSense believes that taking a forward-looking view of expected returns can provide investors with an understanding of expected outcomes and the implied risks in the market. This can mean at times making decisions that are contrarian to nature.
We believe that any investment proposition needs to be clearly articulated too clients so that they can be appropriately informed and be part of the decision-making process. Our investment process is transparent in that we can clearly explain and demonstrate how we come to our assumptions, there is no 'black-box' when it comes to how we articulate our investment process.
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