The Diversified Portfolios on Hub24 include our flagship products, and also the Market Diversifier which is aims to provide additional diversification for SMSFs.
The InvestSense Diversified Funds are a range of portfolios that include direct shares, ETFS and Managed Funds across a range of investor risk profiles.
One size does not always fit all. InvestSense can provide your financial planning practice with bespoke portfolios to suit your clients and their investment needs.
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Markets capped off a strong month with an even stronger week, with the leading US market up 4% for the week and 9% of for the month.
Markets were up more or less in unison last week despite, or really because of, largely weak economic data in the US and mixed results from the US earnings season.
The most anticipated economic release of the week (and of the month) turned out to be simultaneously shocking and monotonous.
Update on the markets and the portfolios for the InvestSense flagship Portfolios for the September quarter 2023
Flyer on some of the companies that focus on corporate governance and benefits for employees in the Better World Portfolios
Flyer on the healthcare companies that are making a difference in the Better World portfolios