The Diversified Portfolios on Hub24 include our flagship products, and also the Market Diversifier which is aims to provide additional diversification for SMSFs.
The InvestSense Diversified Funds are a range of portfolios that include direct shares, ETFS and Managed Funds across a range of investor risk profiles.
One size does not always fit all. InvestSense can provide your financial planning practice with bespoke portfolios to suit your clients and their investment needs.
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Markets were up last week, led by the US which finished up 3% having been down 2% earlier in the week. Other markets were less volatile but were mostly also in positive territory for the week.
Markets were fairly soft all week, but the real action happened just after the European close when Gazprom announced it would not reopen the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which had been closed for maintenance due to ‘malfunctions’.
Last week there was much speculation about whether Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s annual Jackson Hole speech would be a market moving event or not, and it turned out it was, for equity markets at least.
Managed Accounts are an investment solution that combines Managed Funds, ETFs and direct shares into a professionally managed portfolio that is monitored and optimised in real time.
Ethical responsible investing describes an investment approach that aims to select companies that have some form of ethical bias. These days, it is a sophisticated approach to investing which takes into account many different criteria.
Volatile market conditions have persisted during June and we update investors on the issues.